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What You Don’t Know About the Apple Watch

Get Charged Up. The MagSafe charger that comes with your Apple Watch is capable of charging some of your other electronic devices. Since the charger works with Qi-based wireless chargers, people are finding that you are able to use it on some, but not all,

Improve Your Real Estate Game

New apps and technology continue to be released at such a speed that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. If you want to improve your real estate game, you need to use the tools and resources that will truly help you in an effective manner. Consider

Google is Making Mobile-Friendly Websites a Must

If you do not have a mobile-responsive website by April 21st you are going to start having a very hard time trying to rank in Google’s mobile search results. In fact, you are going to be penalized. Google recently announced a new algorithm update that

Online Content Will Build Your Business

We all know that people like online content that is informative, entertaining, and interesting. But, do you know that having your own content online will build trust and help establish you as the go-to expert in your area? This is because you are empowering potential

Do You Truly Understand How to Use Social Media?

A lot of people have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, and the like – but just because you have these accounts doesn’t mean that you are using them correctly. If you want to be sure to get the most out of your online social presence,

Social Media – Are You Using it Correctly?

It’s one thing to have social media accounts for your business and be active online, but are you actually using it correctly? The first thing you need to do is understand that most people are on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, et cetera to be entertained.

Cool and Helpful Technology for Agents

It seems like there’s new technology tools coming out every day. If you blink, you might miss out on the latest and greatest tools that you could be using to improve your business. Here are some of the newer and cooler tech devices that I’ve

How to Win a Listing and Get Referrals

If you are a true, professional real estate agent who really wishes to succeed, then some of this advice might seem obvious, but make sure you are following it. Other tips will probably be new to you. Either way, there are always ways to improve